Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"The Beauty Detox Solutions"

I just bought this book and will start reading it tonight before bed! I heard it's got many beauty secrets to a healthier skin, hair, body. mind and hey soul!!! ;) If your body is happy so is your soul, beacause you feel happy and now you look even beautiful right gals??? Well I say you buy it too or just wait til I share what I like about it most and what worked for me! Well I have to say bye bye for now but I'll be back soon. Have a wonderful night & an amazing Thursday!!! XO 

Friday, November 11, 2011


Good Morning and Happy Day!!!

It's finally 11.11.11 and lots of positive changes are heading our way.
Don't forget to make your wishes at 11:11
Stay always positive & happy!!

When I got online this article was on MSN. I find it interesting & you might too!

Should you buy a lottery ticket? Get married? Hunker down for the apocalypse? Learn the significance behind this mystical date & how to take advantage of it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hmm.. what men really think about your make up!


When you think about what makeup you’re going to wear for the day, does a man’s opinion ever affect your decision?

---Good question, what do you ladies think?? Does it or not?? I say we all care what men think but in the end we always end up doing what WE want, right?? haha.. We'll listen and once in a while we'll make them happy by doing what they suggest or incorporate what they have commented. 

In my opinion too much makeup is just not cute! I know some people who used to wear so much, it pretty much looked like a mask, it was sad! Guys didn't want them to hug them or be close 'cause they thought the make up was just gonna rub off on their shirts, which sometimes it did, they made fun of them and it wasn't pleasent to have to listen to them making fun of the poor girls that had no clue! Some of those girls have finally realized that less is more and they look absolutely beautiful now! I don't get how they got all that make up off, it's hard enough when you aplly a little bit, juast soap doesn't help, I always wipe it off with those makeup remover toellets and then wash my face! And once foundation touches clothes, it never comes off!!! It's ridiculous!
It's ok to get all glamed up and dolled up, wear a little more than usual when you go out dancing or when you have a special event. But just don't exaggerate or over do it! Guys like natural. I'm sure more would like to see girls without it! Which is fine, but not everyone is flawless nor feels comfortable to walk around twon without a little bit of makeup. But the less you wear on daily basis, the fresher and healthier your skin will feel and look, 'cause let's face it, make up kinda ruins your skin too! Comment please! I'd love to hear what you have to say! :)

Indoor Tanning Beds Banned in California

Tanners, your day has come. California has become the first state to ban persons under the age of 18 from using UV-tanning devices. This means no more sun-beds or indoor tanning. The law used to allow minors (between the age of 14 to 18) to tan with the consent of an adult, but not any more. The dangers of tanning by UV exposure include increased aging (even more fine lines and wrinkles around your eyes!), and a high risk of skin cancer through exposure to carcinogens. It's even caused the death of one young woman! "If you want to look years older than your true age, have deep wrinkles in places you never expected, and ruin the texture and the color of your skin, then a tanning salon is the place for you," says dermatologist Debra Jaliman, M.D. It's even caused the death of one young woman! Now when you want a tan, it's going to have to come straight from a bottle.
The law will mean the death of some businesses, but we hope it won't mean an increase in tanning the natural way!

---Well finally someone does something about this! I am not a big fan of tanning beds, I'm not gonna lie I've tried it a couple of times, but just seeing ladies' skins so wrinkly and pretty much like a burnt toast, it terrifies me!!! We can't just damage our skins like that, it's ok to try and be beautiful, tan skin and all that but try SPRAY TANNING!! Seriously my sister's friends which happen to be 13 yrs old thay tanned since they were 11.. can you imagen how old their skins are gonna look when they are 30, 40 and so on if they keep on doing this. Poor girls!! They tried to drag my sis into doing it, I was able to talk her out of it! Girls please stop tanning under those UV lights, you're trying to get dark by damaging your skins, which won't be pretty in a few years! Hopefully more States will follow this!!

Please fell free to comment and disagree, this is just my thoughts about this article!

B.R.O.W.N to B.L.U.E

image courtesy of flickr/hessiebell


Have you always wanted blue eyes? You might have tried colored contacts or even just given up on the idea, but now all that can change! California-based optometrist Gregg Homer, O.D., has been researching a laser technique for the past 10 years that will permanently change brown eyes to blue. "The laser is tuned to a specific frequency to remove the pigment from the surface of the iris," said Dr. Homer to "When the laser energy is absorbed by the body the pigment tissue changes and the body sheds the altered tissue." Thus exposing the blue colored iris that's underneath the brown pigment. The process itself takes around 20 seconds, but it will take two to three weeks for the eyes to change color completely.
While the procedure still has one more year of research before it's completed it should be available in the U.S. in three years, and will cost around $5,000. So, Beauties, would you spend that much money on getting blue eyes, or stick with what you already have?

----At first I was like pfft yeah right.. well looks like it's possible, now the question is who will go through it? personally I'd be scared! And is it safe? I guess they'll figure it all out once this "expirement" is over and done with it's research! We'll have to wait and see! I still think this is nuts!!

I'm Back!!!

Ugh.. sorry guys I've been slacking!! Gotta get my blog game on... anyway so I've been doing some research and reading some cool articles, I'll be posting in the next few hrs! Stay tuned! XO

So my whole week schedule has been all messed up thinking, Wednesday was Thursday and today was Friday haha guess that's what running in 3 hrs of sleep does to your head! I need a NAP a SAP! Well anyway we are close to the weekend, time to have fun, go out or just relax, have a movie marathon or something chill at home.. that sounds perfect! Something I think I'll be doing!! Well I wish you all a great rest of this beautiful day! Take care, be safe and of course be thankful!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

*** HALLoWEEN ***

Heather && I
Halloween 2010

Soooooo stoked!!! But once again I find myself trying to decide on a costume, every year I say I'm gonna make one, a really cool one so that way I'll be the only one wearing it but time flies and then there's a week left and I have to run around town trying to find something, I suffer from procrastination lol seriously it's sick!!! Anyway, this year is the same I still don't know. I was looking at some belly dancer outfit that I found at a random store the other day, but the weather won't be warm enough so Idk what to do. Some ideas that I have is to be a Persian Goddess, Jasmine, Eve, Baseball Player, Cop, Cheeta.... sooo many options but I hate going to stores and trying things on. I need a Clone !!!!! Anyway have you found yours???

~~ Natural Teeth Whitening ~~

Olive Oil.  Since it's natural, it won't damage your teeth. Just grab a small white cloth and pour a little on it, clean your teeth everyday if you want!! It will help so much..

If you drink coffee, wine, dark sodas or smoke.. remember to always rise off your mouth with water, that way your teeth will mantain whiter. But just try and stop doing all those things, it's bad for your health and body! We have to take care of our bodies. Don't you want to look great a long time??? haha..

Brush your teeth with a little of baking soda on your regular tooth paste once a week or once every other week. This can definitely damage your teeth so try it once in a while.

Strawberries and baking soda. With a fork kind of press on the strawberries in a little bowl and poor some baking soda on it. Brush your teeth with it.

I also found this article so read it:

Well hope these things help! Keep a bright and big smile! Everyone loves to see one everyday so don't forget to make someone's day with a SMiLE! :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Just came to say..... HeLLO!!!

...... well I haven't blogged in a few days. I have some great tips and things to write about. I promise I will make time tomorrow so I can share! Ta Ta for now. Sending out good vibes and lots of love!! Hope everyone has an amazing night & fab dreams!! XOXO

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me !!!

I decided to celebrate my birthday at the best club in town ONE !!

...and remember how I was looking for the perfect outfit for my Birthday Celebration.... well I wasn't able to find the one that I was looking for in the color I was thinking of but I did find one that I liked a lot and knew no one else would have it, had to make sure no one else wore it, didn't want to be in the "Who wore it best???" lol jk!

I loved everyone who made it that night! I didn't get pics w everyone.. So sad!

DESI && I! (the best friend & sis)

Sherelle, Myself, Lindsay
(My two favorite girls)

PATRICK (Triki) & I
(One of my best guy friends)

I had a blast with everyone, it turned out to be a great night, but a rough recovery time!

On my actual birthday, I went to my favorite restaurant "RODIZIO GRILL" which is also my bday tradition, every year you can find me there!

@ Trolley Square

I probably gained many pounds eating Abacaxi & the delicious dessert and not to meantion all the yummy meats.. what a great birthday!

Can't wait for next year when I turn 23! Xo

Two Great Articles !!

Check out this two article I found in !

Decoding Hair Removal Techniques:

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cellulite??? Not to Worry!!!

Easy Home Remedies:



Almond Oil

Coffee Grounds

Pineapple Juice



Mix Almond Oil with Coffee Grounds
Rub it on the are you want to work on
Massage it well


Leave Onions for 30 mins on the area you want to work on
Remove it... I know... Yukkk! but it works..
Pour Fresh Squeezed Lime Juice on the area and massage it well


Drink Pineapple Juice in the MORNiNG and the again at NiGHT
And of course drink LOTS of water!!  

Oh yeahh

Oooo check this out!


Try it NOW!!! Xo

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[[ Lime Detox Diet ]]

It's been a few days since I've written some tips , well let me tell you about this "Lime Detox Diet" I call it that but I'm really not sure what it is.. my dad told me about it so my parents and I are trying it , it's supposed to clean you inside , it will help your skin , burn unwanted fat , it will help your yellow eyes (if you have liver problems) and many many more things. Do NOT try it if you have ulcers!

You will need 64 limes
1st day: one lime                             
2nd day: two limes                           
3rd day: three limes                         
4th day: four limes
5th day: five lime
6th day: six limes
7th day: seven limes
8th day: eight limes
9th day: seven limes
10th day: six lime
11th day: five limes
12th day: four limes
13th day: three limes
14th day: two limes
15th day: one lime

Just squeeze the juice off and drink it in a small cup, just like that , NO sugar added , you can drink water afterwards to wash it off of your teeth! Use a lime squeezer , its easier and it gets all the juice out!

We are on the 11th day today , so we will continue and once we're done I will comment about it, how it went and how I feel then. If you want to try it , go ahead and let me know how it went! *wink* Xo   

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Hope you LOVE it as much as I do!!

Cute right???? .... I just want to try them all ..... NOW!!! ha

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Brasil / Brazil

Brasil lindo y querido ver você em breve. Eu não posso esperar para estar lá, curtindo seu belas praias! Ahhh tão animado!

I believe in my heart that in another life I was born in this beautiful Country (BRASiL) in South America, 'cause I have not been there once yet, though I lived 9 yrs right next to it (BOLiViA).. But I just love it so much and I am so excited to visit really soon! I'm trying to learn Portuguese, even though I speak Spanish and it wouldn't be so hard to understand them.. I just love portuguese so much, that I want to learn it, 'cause who knows I just might decide to stay there forever!!!

...Makeup by Camila...

I absolutely love her blog!!! One of my favorite makeup/fashion blogs. She's not only talented she's also so beautiful! Check her out... Her tutorials are in Portuguese but I'm sure you'll be fine just by watching her do it! ;)

P.S. On the top right corner of her page, there's an option that allows you to click on so her blog translates to English!

Mani's & Pedi's

A must..... everygirl should have their nails and toe nails looking perfect all the time. I am the type of girl that has to get mani & pedi's all the time!!! I found some cool and cute designs... try them!!

Cute right??? Well now go for it and try it!!!

If you wanna check out more of these cute styles or other beauty stuff.. Check out :

Fall Season....

Well I'm not gonna lie, I am not a fan of Fall Season.. yup my BiRTHDAY happens to be a few days after fall/autumn starts so I always have a hard time finding the perfect bday outfit! Colors seems so blah and styles so warm and comfy.. I have been trying to search for the perfect dress this year, haven't found anything that WOW'd me yet but let's hope I find something or I will cry............ haha! After doing a little research online of Fall Color Trends, I came across this site.. and now my day hads brighten up ha I am loving the colors. And yes, I will find an OUTFiT (cross your fingers)

Check it Out:

Fall Hair Trends I'm gonna Try & You should too!

- Elegant Ponytail -

~ Head Wrap ~

* Messy Bun *

^ Thick Bangs ^

Monday, September 12, 2011

Heather & Tim

Dang.. time flew by so quick, wasn't it just yesterday that he proposed?? haha well.. I am very happy for the two of them, they truly are great together and they surely belong together! Congratulations to Heather Andersen & Timone Stobbe. Love you both so much!!!!

Since the big day is this Saturday, September 17th of 2011. I decided to dedicate a little post in their honor. I will post a couple of pics later on of their wedding! I am so excited.. can't wait to see this beautiful girl all dolled up for the biggest day of her life! Cheers..

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Took a short Vacay but I'm Back!!!

Well I have been out of town, lots happened!! Craziness, I should say but it has been one of the best LDW's ever.. Had a blast w the best group of friends! Made new ones and met one of the cutest Host in Vegas ;). Well here are a few pics. Hope you all had an AMAZING weekend too! ..and to you Vegas.... We'll back SOON!!!!

So I know summer is coming to an end... AGAiN! but I have found the cutest summer makeup idea and thought I'd share it with you gals. I just love it! Might wanna try it before summer ends!

Also check out more ideas in one my favorite sites! or

Well ta ta for now, promise I'll write soon, now I shall get back to reality! Chau!! Xo

Monday, August 29, 2011

Natural things you should try!

Nails - Garlic (you gotta have garlic on a daily basis) Well this also great for hair and many things!

Hair - Wash it w/ one shampoo & condition it daily. Get a trim every three months. If you are like me and love to dye your hair, also wait three months. My hair's health improved so much since I started doing so two years ago.

Lashes - Olives (eat lots of them)

Skin - Try drinking carrot juice, but moderately. It will give you a tan but you don't want to turn orange. It's also good for your health.. google it!