Wednesday, October 19, 2011

*** HALLoWEEN ***

Heather && I
Halloween 2010

Soooooo stoked!!! But once again I find myself trying to decide on a costume, every year I say I'm gonna make one, a really cool one so that way I'll be the only one wearing it but time flies and then there's a week left and I have to run around town trying to find something, I suffer from procrastination lol seriously it's sick!!! Anyway, this year is the same I still don't know. I was looking at some belly dancer outfit that I found at a random store the other day, but the weather won't be warm enough so Idk what to do. Some ideas that I have is to be a Persian Goddess, Jasmine, Eve, Baseball Player, Cop, Cheeta.... sooo many options but I hate going to stores and trying things on. I need a Clone !!!!! Anyway have you found yours???

~~ Natural Teeth Whitening ~~

Olive Oil.  Since it's natural, it won't damage your teeth. Just grab a small white cloth and pour a little on it, clean your teeth everyday if you want!! It will help so much..

If you drink coffee, wine, dark sodas or smoke.. remember to always rise off your mouth with water, that way your teeth will mantain whiter. But just try and stop doing all those things, it's bad for your health and body! We have to take care of our bodies. Don't you want to look great a long time??? haha..

Brush your teeth with a little of baking soda on your regular tooth paste once a week or once every other week. This can definitely damage your teeth so try it once in a while.

Strawberries and baking soda. With a fork kind of press on the strawberries in a little bowl and poor some baking soda on it. Brush your teeth with it.

I also found this article so read it:

Well hope these things help! Keep a bright and big smile! Everyone loves to see one everyday so don't forget to make someone's day with a SMiLE! :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Just came to say..... HeLLO!!!

...... well I haven't blogged in a few days. I have some great tips and things to write about. I promise I will make time tomorrow so I can share! Ta Ta for now. Sending out good vibes and lots of love!! Hope everyone has an amazing night & fab dreams!! XOXO

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me !!!

I decided to celebrate my birthday at the best club in town ONE !!

...and remember how I was looking for the perfect outfit for my Birthday Celebration.... well I wasn't able to find the one that I was looking for in the color I was thinking of but I did find one that I liked a lot and knew no one else would have it, had to make sure no one else wore it, didn't want to be in the "Who wore it best???" lol jk!

I loved everyone who made it that night! I didn't get pics w everyone.. So sad!

DESI && I! (the best friend & sis)

Sherelle, Myself, Lindsay
(My two favorite girls)

PATRICK (Triki) & I
(One of my best guy friends)

I had a blast with everyone, it turned out to be a great night, but a rough recovery time!

On my actual birthday, I went to my favorite restaurant "RODIZIO GRILL" which is also my bday tradition, every year you can find me there!

@ Trolley Square

I probably gained many pounds eating Abacaxi & the delicious dessert and not to meantion all the yummy meats.. what a great birthday!

Can't wait for next year when I turn 23! Xo

Two Great Articles !!

Check out this two article I found in !

Decoding Hair Removal Techniques: