Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Aloe Mask

Who wants wrinkles, not me and I know you don't either!
So what's the best way to keep a great, healthy, young looking skin you may ask yourself?
Aloe Mask, every night before bed, when you have showered or washed your face
put on the aloe on. It dries up and you won't make a mess.
If you are like my mom and hate the smell of onions, you probably have noticed that
when you get the gel out, that is exactly what it smells like but once it dries it does NOT smell like
onions so that's no excuse not to use it :)


Longer Hair & Nails.

So the other day I wrote about Aloe and Lime, how it will help your hair to grow longer, well I have found another way as well , for those of you who may not be able to sleep with aloe and lime every night. My aunt, Ximena has been trying this and noticed her hair and nails have been growing longer than ever, we were skyping last night and she was looking beautiful.
Anyway the secret??? Very affordable and yummy too ;)


Yup.. JELLO (gelatin). You must eat jello everyday ladies!
It doesn't make you fat and it doesn't cost much...... so try it!

* Gelatin is a mixture of peptides and proteins produced by partial hydrolysis of collagen.
More collagen, more beauty.

Let's STOP KONY!!!

Please watch and share this video.
Let's make a difference and let's help put the word out so the Government stops this individual!
It's very sad to know that this things can and do happen in the world, but we have the opportunity to stop it so why not do it? These are inocent children who are taken/kidnapped from their families to fight in "KONY's war" and also to kill their own parents, the girls become sex slaves. We don't want this to keep happening now do we?? And neither do the kids so let's get the word out and do everything we can to get involved, share the video, join the group, buy the box and donate a few dollars to TRI. We all spend it in silly things why not do it for this cause, for those who truly need it!

VV   STOP KONY ---- KONY 2012   VV

Join TRI or Donate to Invisible Children:
Purchase KONY 2012 products:

Facebook Group:!/groups/230562183707247/

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Unwanted Strech Marks??

Strech marks; one of our worst enemies!
My sister has been asking me to find a natural way to get rid of strech marks, she tends to lose weight and then gets strech marks on her bun bun & thighs, not cute right?? Plus Spring & Summer are on their way here so it's almost shorts & swim suits season. Well like I said before "No worries... I got you!"

  Natural Ingredient Combinations

Aloe vera gel, olive oil and tea tree oil are just a few of the potent natural ways to get rid of stretch marks. Combined with a few drops each of olive and tea tree oils, pure aloe vera gel is a superior remedy for a variety of skin ailments -- from acne to cellulite to, you guessed it, stretch marks.
This almost supernatural substance is infused with antibiotic, anesthetic, hydrating, and cell growth stimulating properties. Aloe vera also contains many amino acids, enzymes, essential minerals, proteins, and the vitamins C & B 12. It also effectively retains moisture in the skin while stimulating the production of elastin and collagen to thicken the skin of stretch marks and dramatically reduce their appearance.

Hope it helps and it gets you ready for Mr. Sun!!!

Try it, love it & share it!

Want Long Healthy Hair?!?!?

No worries........I got you!

We all want long healthy looking hair. And I have found something that will give you excatly the hair you have been dreaming of... are you ready?? Because I'm ready to tell you the secret!

Lime & Aloe

So every night before you go to bed for at least a month, but it depends on you and how long you want your hair to grow.. Get fresh Aloe, cut it open and get all the gel inside of it, mix it with fresh squeezed lime juice, put it on your hair like it's a conditioner, massage scalp and then cover it with a plastic bag, sleep overnight and wash it in the morning! Wahhh la LoNG hair in no time!!! Try it, love it and share it!!
Enjoy ;)

Can you believe it's March already.. This is going to be another year that goes by in a blink of an eye! Have a lovely Thursday. Xxo