Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Let's STOP KONY!!!

Please watch and share this video.
Let's make a difference and let's help put the word out so the Government stops this individual!
It's very sad to know that this things can and do happen in the world, but we have the opportunity to stop it so why not do it? These are inocent children who are taken/kidnapped from their families to fight in "KONY's war" and also to kill their own parents, the girls become sex slaves. We don't want this to keep happening now do we?? And neither do the kids so let's get the word out and do everything we can to get involved, share the video, join the group, buy the box and donate a few dollars to TRI. We all spend it in silly things why not do it for this cause, for those who truly need it!

VV   STOP KONY ---- KONY 2012   VV

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